
Showing posts from May, 2020

Career guidance

 CAREER FEVER IN STUDENTS LIFE  :- Grown up from wonder's of toys and now reached that level of class (class 10), which is the turning point of life, the GOLDEN time. Time to choose a career and .. . " Will we be going to choose a right direction?", "Will the option we choose be correct?" ... These types of questions are striking your head. What should you do now? HERE'S THE ARTICLE DEALING WITH ALL QUERIES IN JUST ONE SHOT. (step by step) Start to think from the initials in order to discover the journey of your future goals which are much more harder to choose than actually working on it because one must put efforts for it's right and successful objective , not for the useless purpose.  Let's start from the basic that is stream choosing. One must slant to it's highly strong area(subject) and take an overview of all the 3 streams and than choose the stream according to that subject. But if the student is totally blank about its strong...